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Unrivaled Purity

Red Boat Fish Sauce is the purest on Earth for
three simple reasons.


We use only black anchovies caught off of the crystal clear waters of Vietnam’s Phú Quốc archipelago.


Our fish sauce is fermented using a centuries-old traditional method in large wooden barrels for a clean, natural umami flavor.


We bottle only first press fish sauce as indicated by our classic dark amber color, guaranteeing it is never diluted.

The Red Boat Process


Catch wild black anchovies off the coast of Phu Quoc, Vietnam.


Upon catching, anchovies are salted immediately to preserve their flavor.


Anchovies are brought back to the barrelhouse and fermented for 12 months. Each barrel holds 13 tons of black anchovies.


After fermentation is complete, the first extraction from the barrel (called the first-press) is bottled.


Meet the Red Boat Family

Cuong Pham founded Red Boat Fish Sauce to bring the flavors of his childhood in Vietnam to the United States. Red Boat quickly became a favorite ingredient among chefs and home cooks because of its pure flavor. In 2018, it officially became a Pham-ily affair when Cuong's three children, Tracy, Kevin, and Tiffany, joined the family business. We're committed to continuing our family's legacy of sharing the highest quality Vietnamese flavors with you!

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